
Tuesday 30 December 2014

So I've been pretty tired lately. Tried playing games, but video games just tires me out nowadays. Every time I play I either feel stressed or nauseous, and I don't really know why. Maybe it's a sort of mild motion sickness, I think. That feeling goes away when I start working, though. It feels nice to work, to read, and to do all that stuff. Anything but video games...

Been working on a new project. It's not really a book, I guess. It's just an exercise where I get to try out new techniques and improve my Photoshop skills. However a lot of the elements were borrowed from some of the artbooks I own. The images below are just drafts of the real thing, so there's definitely a lot to improve on.

So as you can see, nothing too special. I really wanted to do effects that are a bit more complicated, but composition and colour are probably more important than making them look flashy. As I've said before, looking at the work of professionals really makes me want to get better. I think what made my work process a lot harder than expected, is just how much it takes to tear down what obviously looks terrible and remake things from scratch. That, and the lack of ideas. At the beginning it was hard to think of what to actually put into the project. Maybe I'm just not that much of a LL fan.

2015 will be here soon. Honestly, I'm pretty scared. I'm scared that I'll be one year older soon and that I won't amount to anything, that I would waste my days idle. The feeling of working, and working, and finally working yourself to exhaustion is the best feeling I've ever experienced. If there's really a New Year's Resolution I'd want to follow, it'd be that I can work myself to exhaustion everyday. Work is the only thing that brings me satisfaction nowadays.

I also realized I uploaded two of the pictures as transparent PNGs. I'm so retarded. Also, tomorrow morning I'm most probably going into Auckland city. Oh how much I look forward to going outside...